Monday, May 4, 2009

3 week appt

Sophie and I went to her 3 week well visit today and boy, has she grown! At birth she was 8 lbs, 21 inches and today was weighed 9 lbs 12 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long! My li'l boopsie is such a li'l piggy and it's showing on the scale for sure. Yay, piglet! She is also too long for some of her 0-3 fmos footed pjs/outfits ALREADY! Here she is doing what she mostly does best...sleep. She is jst now becoming more interested in everything and everyone around her and staying awake and alert longer. I love watching her watch me and smile and giggle. She is too cute when she giggles.


Momma Stuart said...

Ahhhh...she looks like her daddy!!!

Laiken's Mommy and Daddy!! said...

Awww...she is precious!!

vanessa aleji said...

She is such a pretty baby! Betty, please add my yahoo to your list of email subscribers, so your updates will automatically send to my email. I can't get on blog sites anymore at work, and my home computer only works when it wants to, so I'm 3 weeks behind on everything! So glad to see you are all doing well. Congratulations on a beautiful new addition!